
Archive for the ‘OK! Magazine’ Category



OK! magazine has on a post on their website about Brad Pitt and his recent trip to Venice, Italy. Brad’s there, as you know, to promote his latest film “The Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford.” Well, take at look at what they wrote about his trip:

After several days of playing both mom and dad to their four children, while Angelina Jolie was off in Iraq visiting troops and victims of the ongoing military conflict, Brad Pitt is getting some much-needed “me time” in Venice, Italy, where the hunky actor is promoting his upcoming film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

…So where is Angelina? It’s possible that, though no one has spotted her in the romantic Italian town,

“They left the kids with their nanny at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel for the past two nights,” the source tells OK!. Wherever Angie is, Brad won’t be back in NYC until after Labor Day….. “

They titled this post “Brad Hits Venice Without Kids and Angelina.”

I think you can tell where they went wrong with this post. Anyone with internet connection knows Brad AND Angelina are in Venice, with the kids as well. Angelina returned to NYC on Wednesday and from there she and Brad traveled to Italy. So whatever “source” they have must be one without sight or access to Yahoo.com or Google.

Pretty funny, no? Let this be yet another reminder to question your sources. It’s all well and good to read gossip, talk about who is sleeping with whom, who’s a slut or skank ( both those are Paris Hilton), but when you look at this crap as some sort of beacon of truth you’ll end up with a lot of egg on your face.

Well, not as much as OK! magazine.


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